Cyprus Tax Residency: A Guide to Benefits and Requirements

Cyprus is a popular destination for those seeking a tax-advantageous residency. Whether you’re a seasoned investor, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone seeking a more tax-friendly lifestyle, Cyprus offers a unique opportunity. By understanding the residency requirements and the multitude of benefits, you can unlock the door to a prosperous [...]

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Our Law Firm succeeded in issuing an injunction prohibiting construction work that took place without having obtained the required building permit.

Following a complaint made to the competent municipal authority, we received instructions from the latter to proceed with legal action to remove the illegal building work. The complainant complained that work was taking place on an adjoining property to her own, without a building permit having been secured from the [...]

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Our law firm issued a summary decision for the delivery to our client of the vacant possession of the property, which was purchased by our client, according to the applicable law, through a tender process.

Key words: eviction of tenant – bank – new purchaser – purchaser in good faith – purchaser through auction – purchaser by provisions of Law 9/65 – statutory tenant – eviction by summary decision. It is a common phenomenon in Cyprus that a person who purchases property through an auction [...]

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Recently our law firm succeeded in suspending an auction of a main residence, which was scheduled for the 3/1/2024. Having received the instructions of our clients, we filed the application / appeal XXX/2023 in the District Court to defend their rights. With the correct factual and legal background and the [...]

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Our Law Firm has successfully issued an interim order prohibiting a bank institution of Cyprus from selling and/or alienating and/or disposing to a third party a valuable plot of land, to which our client is entitled.

The plot in issue was foreclosed by the bank -and thus the bank became the owner of the said plot- due to the failure of the mortgagee to redeem the loan that the latter had obtained from the bank. Our client, a well-respected entrepreneur in Cyprus, has currently an establishment [...]

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Our law firm has successfully represented our client in Police disciplinary proceedings against the former and acquitted the same from all the charges.  

Our client, a police officer, was charged by the disciplinary body of the police authorities with serious disciplinary charges, which could have stigmatized the former in its work, namely that he assaulted and/or verbally assaulted a foreigner. We represented our client throughout the procedure before the disciplinary body and managed [...]

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Our law firm successfully represented our client and terminated libelous publications on the internet and social media.

Our client, a well-respected medical professional, was the subject of libelous publications on the internet and the social media, which intended to maliciously harm our client. In representing our client, we implemented the applicable pre-action procedures against the individual who made first these publications and the means of communication that [...]

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